Happy Birthday Cards for Wife with Poems and Congratulations in Prose!

Happy birthday, beloved wife!

Happy birthday, beloved wife! Postcard, picture to wife with verse and red roses! Poem! Roses!

Beautiful original cards, new pictures for my wife's birthday with verses and congratulations in prose!

Total posts on the topic: 8

Dear men, share here your beautiful congratulations in verse and prose with postcards for your beloved wife on your birthday! Help other loving husbands to beautifully congratulate their wives on the holiday!


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2021-03-11 10:02:54

A beautiful verse for my wife's birthday!

Happy birthday, dear wife,
You are like a ray of sunshine in the night.
I congratulate you today
And I dedicate poems to you:

Let the star illuminate your path,
Let the winds protect from troubles,
Be happy - I wish,
And achievements, and new victories.

Know, health will not leave you,
Beauty will not go anywhere.
You will always be mine goddess!
Remember, life only goes forward!

Happy birthday wife! Postcard with verse! Picture with hearts! Red hearts! A heart!
Саша Белый

Саша Белый

2021-03-10 21:56:41

My dear wife, my love and my happiness, I congratulate you on your birthday! Always be the same wonderful, sweet, gentle, gorgeous wife. I wish you to achieve your goals and be always in a good mood, and I will always be there and always support you.

Birthday card with roses for wife! Picture with verse! Poem to my wife!
Саша Белый

Саша Белый

2021-03-10 21:43:09

Happy birthday to you today, I heartily congratulate you, my beloved little wife! I congratulate you, dear, on this happy and beautiful day! I wish you good health, energy and eternal beauty! May your divine smile and your optimistic mood always illuminate our life, may your tenderness envelop us naked in happiness, and your beautiful blue eyes will never know what tears of grief are. May life make us happy with good events. Be a successful, self-sufficient and happy woman. And I will always be by your side, I will protect, protect, appreciate and love you. With love, your husband!

Birthday card with cake and glitter for wife! Wife, I love you! Picture!


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