Religious holidays august

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Day of the prophet Elijah!

Happy Prophet Elijah


Postcards, pictures and congratulations for the holiday "Day of the Prophet Elijah"

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Аня Воронцова

Аня Воронцова

2021-02-13 11:49:54

Happy Prophet Elijah. Picture, postcard for Ilyin's day. I congratulate all Christians and Slavs on this Christian and Slavic holiday! I wish everyone to be happy!

Happy Prophet Elijah (postcard, picture, congratulations)
Аня Воронцова

Аня Воронцова

2021-02-13 11:44:36

Postcard for the day of the prophet Elijah! Elijah's Day is a church holiday in honor of the prophet Elijah. He became famous for being a zealous champion of faith in one God. In addition to believers, Ilyin's day is also celebrated by those who do not believe in God. In the popular consciousness and in the Slavic traditions, Ilya the Prophet is in control of thunder, lightning, rains and crops, among the people his image is mixed with Perun the Thunderer, and sometimes you can also find the personification of the prophet with the epic Ilya of Muromets.

Happy Prophet Elijah (download postcard, picture free)

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