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International traffic light day!

Happy international traffic light day


Postcards, pictures and congratulations for the holiday "International Traffic Light Day"

Total posts on the topic: 3

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Катя К.

Катя К.

2021-06-05 17:57:47

A verse by the beautiful Tamara K. on the day of the traffic light!


Once we were walking home with my mother on a weekend.
Suddenly my mother said sternly : “Be serious on the road!
Mischief is inappropriate! Do you want to know about magic?

Crossing the road with mom is the safest way.
You, listen, half an hour - there are other miracles,
There are other relationships - these are traffic rules.

Do you see the sign standing, son, a pedestrian is drawn?
All the vehicles are now standing - it means the path is open for us.
Look left, right and follow the `` zebra ''.

Next, son, the path this one serves us in winter and summer.
There is no safer road - only pedestrians walk,
And for everyone who is young and old, there is a sidewalk. ”

A tram passed in the distance and my mother said:“ Know,
Where trams ring during the day, you cannot walk yawning.
Where there is traffic on both sides, you cannot count crows. "

You should never argue with a roadside traffic light.
You just need to be clear: red light means to stand!
Yellow - just wait! Go to the green light - go!

- I learned a lot today, I'm on `` You '' now with the road.
In order not to break off relations with her, I remember the traffic rules.
These are the miracles I am found out in half an hour!



2021-02-13 15:28:33

Postcard for the day of a traffic light with a traffic sign "Pedestrian crossing"! Be careful on the roads! Take care of yourself and your loved ones! All happy holidays, good mood to you!

Happy international traffic light day (postcard, picture, congratulations)


2021-02-13 15:22:13

Hello everybody! Made a postcard for traffic light day with apples of three colors (red, yellow, green). In Russia, traffic light day is actively celebrated by traffic police officers, employees of schools and colleges, activists of public organizations as another reason to remind children of the need to strictly observe traffic rules, because the price of any mistake on the roadway can be human life!

Happy traffic light day to all of us and our children!

Happy international traffic light day (download postcard, picture for free)

My post

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