Religious holidays december
Homepage / holidays december / Red hillShare in your letter your unique congratulations, postcards, holiday pictures for this day, impressions and expectations from the holiday.
Пелагея Мелехова
2021-05-02 16:10:29Beautiful postcard, picture with congratulations on the red hill!
Алёна Яркина
2021-05-01 19:18:11Happy Antipaskha! This is what the people call the holiday that we celebrate with you today! The prefix "anti", in this case, does not mean "against", but "instead of". It turns out, as it were, "Instead of Easter" the word Antipascha will be translated. The point is to, as it were, once again repeat the celebration of Easter.
Congratulations! I wish you a wonderful festive day!
2021-05-01 12:02:26First Sunday after Easter today! I congratulate everyone on this wonderful day! People have always associated the red hill with marriage! Weddings could not be played during Lent. And in the first week after fasting, it was also forbidden to marry and get married. But starting with the red hill, it was already possible!
So I wish you a happy family life on this day! If you already have a family, then take care of it, value and strengthen your relationship! If you are still free, then I wish you to find your soul mate!
Good luck!
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