State RK holidays (Kazakhstan) july

Homepage / holidays july / Day of Nur-Sultan (Astana) or Day of the Capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Happy Capital Day! Pictures, postcards for the birthday of the capital of Kazakhstan! Happy holiday, Nur-Sultan! Our beloved city!

Happy Nur-Sultan Day!

Happy Capital Day! Pictures, postcards for the birthday of the capital of Kazakhstan! Happy holiday, Nur-Sultan! Our beloved city!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the Day of the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan! Pictures, postcards and congratulations in your own words are on this page!

Total posts on the topic: 35

Happy capital day! Happy birthday, Nur-Sultan!
Be happy, beloved city!


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Пелагея Мелехова

Пелагея Мелехова

2021-05-18 13:01:44

Happy birthday, beloved capital! Happy birthday, Nur-Sultan!
Picture, postcard for the 6th of July!

Happy birthday, beloved capital! Happy birthday, Nur-Sultan! Picture, postcard for the holiday on July 6!
Катя К.

Катя К.

2021-05-18 10:07:20

Our capital is a birthday girl!

Congratulations to the residents of the city of Nur-Sultan and all Kazakhstanis on the Day of the Capital!
And I also learned that there is a wonderful holiday, which is also celebrated on July 6 - World Kiss Day )!

Of course, in order to kiss loved ones and loved ones, holidays are not needed, but still we will know that there is such a holiday!

Did you know?

Happy Capital Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan! Postcard! Picture! Happy birthday, Nur-Sultan! Our capital is a birthday girl! Congratulations to the residents of the city of Nur-Sultan and all Kazakhstanis ...
Мария Романенко

Мария Романенко

2021-05-17 12:44:24

I congratulate you on the Day of the Capital of Kazakhstan!

Happy Capital Day of Kazakhstan! Postcard! Picture! Very nice congratulations! I congratulate you on the Day of the Capital of Kazakhstan!


2021-05-17 08:09:37

Happy Capital Day, friends! Happy Nur-Sultan Day!

Happy Capital Day, friends! Happy Nur-Sultan Day! Picture, postcard for the day of the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan!
Алия М.

Алия М.

2021-05-16 09:41:32

Who knew that my life would change so dramatically ...

Now I remember my first visit back in 2004 to the capital.

I still remember everything to the smallest detail! When we arrived with my mother and just left the station, it was love at first sight!

This city seemed to be a reflection of me. The same young, the same ebullient, unable to sit in one place, creative! In one word, this city responded in my soul 100%. We turned out to be very similar in energy!

Although it was, so to speak, not quite easy to live in the capital. I am very grateful to my parents for their enormous trust and that they were able to release into an independent life, then still a citizen of Russia.

To release to another country, another city, where in fact there were no relatives, except for the brother of the student who studied in honey. academy. As you can imagine, there was no one to count on! And this is a HUGE experience, which is useful, I think, to any person for his own development.

Will I be able to let my children go like that, the question is very controversial and rhetorical! Hopefully enough wisdom like my parents and Zen. Although they were also very worried, they believed in me.

Why, I’m all this ... As you probably already guessed, I want to congratulate everyone on such a wonderful holiday! Happy capital day!

DEAR CAPITAL, with your day! I think you played a fateful role for many.

And I want to end the post with the words of Novoseltsev from the movie "Office Romance". There are too many residents in our city, too many visitors, too many cars. Everyone is in a hurry, everyone is late somewhere. But still, I love this city. This is my city. This is a very nice city!

Happy Holidays everyone!

My post

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