State RK holidays (Kazakhstan) july

Homepage / holidays july / Day of Nur-Sultan (Astana) or Day of the Capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan

July 6! Happy capital day! Nur-Sultan, congratulations are all for you today! Postcards, beautiful pictures for the day of the capital of Kazakhstan! Happy summer everyone, wonderful summer days! Happy Holidays everyone!

Happy Nur-Sultan Day!

July 6! Happy capital day! Nur-Sultan, congratulations are all for you today! Postcards, beautiful pictures for the day of the capital of Kazakhstan! Happy summer everyone, wonderful summer days! Happy Holidays everyone!

Happy capital day, Astana! Congratulations, cards and pictures for July 6! Postcards with the day of the capital of Kazakhstan! You can download it for free!

Total posts on the topic: 35

Поздравление на казахском языке!

"Nur-Sultan - the heart of our homeland, the pillar of independence." If we consider independence as a great achievement, a sweet gift from the blood of our ancestors, our capital is the greatest fruit of it. It is a high fortress, a symbol of independence, glorifying the prestige of the Kazakh people. It is the heart of our homeland, the priceless treasure of a peaceful country.

It is obvious that in a short period of time it will prosper, change and become a graduate of our independence, the heart of our homeland will open new pages of our country.

Although young, every Kazakhstani has contributed to the prosperity of our beautiful city. Prosper, prosper, the capital of my country - Nur-Sultan!

Congratulations in Russian!

We are happy to congratulate everyone on the holiday - Capital Day!
Birthday of the Capital - this is a national holiday that has become dear to everyone.
Nur-Sultan - the embodiment of Freedom and Independence - the account of the new history of the country, people, society. and confidently at breakfast.


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Алия М.

Алия М.

2021-05-29 12:40:23

Happy capital day! Picture, postcard for the day of Nur-Sultan!

Happy capital day! Picture, postcard for the day of Nur-Sultan!
Дасаева Амина

Дасаева Амина

2021-05-28 17:31:45

Congratulations to all compatriots on the day of the capital!

In our not quite peaceful and calm time, I would like to wish everyone HEALTH!

This is the most urgent wish today!

To our capital of prosperity, growth and prosperity!

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Happy Holidays !!!

Катя К.

Катя К.

2021-05-28 10:00:14

The postcard is beautiful! Picture for the day of the capital of Kazakhstan!
July 6 is a significant holiday for all of us! I wish everyone on this day (and always) a good mood and a positive attitude towards life!

Happy capital day! The postcard is beautiful! Picture for the day of the capital of Kazakhstan! July 6 is a significant holiday for all of us! Day of the capital - Nur-Sultan!
Саида Аубакирова

Саида Аубакирова

2021-05-27 19:18:14

Happy capital day, dear Kazakhstanis! The whole country celebrates the Day of the capital of Kazakhstan - the city of Astana (Nur-Sultan), from the bottom of my heart I congratulate everyone on this great event!

Катя К.

Катя К.

2021-05-27 15:56:02

July 6 is the day of the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan! Happy holiday to all citizens and guests of the country!

You can download a beautiful postcard with the inscription "Happy birthday, Nursultan" for free!

July 6 is the day of the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan! Happy holiday to all citizens and guests of the country! Picture, postcard! Free download!

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