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Congratulations on World Parents Day!

Happy parents day

Parents' Day Cards!

Postcards, pictures and congratulations for the holiday "World Parents Day"

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Пелагея Мелехова

Пелагея Мелехова

2021-06-07 18:37:19

A poem about the Father's House for the World Parents Day!

Father's House!

This house is painfully familiar to me,
This street is dear to me!
Behind the high board fence
Visible the edge of a small courtyard.

The windows shine with a mysterious light,
The shutter is heard a familiar motive,
Slightly swaying, under the freshness of the wind,
The bird cherry bush tilted a branch.

I walk along the familiar path,
I cannot forget it,
Though it is a little overgrown with grass,
But, it still leads to the courtyard.

A log house with a slate roof
And that's it the same colored palisade,
Under the window, a lilac bush is bubbling
And a thick scent of ranetki.

I remember childish fun
And a bench at the high gate,
Where were the loving couples
Until dawn without any worries.

And dreams of youth flooded,
Muffling the shutter creak,
And from my eyes bitter tears
Shielded a quiet sob.

Father's house! No matter how painful it may be,
Though you have long since become a stranger,
I will remember the road to you!
For me, you remained dear!

Author Tamara K.

World Parents Day! Poem about the Father's house!
Катя К.

Катя К.

2021-06-04 14:03:07

Happy parents day! A poem about the parental home for the holiday!

“The light of the windows of the parental home is warmth, salvation, consolation ...
The house is already a stranger. And the light in the window remained! ... "


I love to return to that house,
Where the years of my childhood passed.
He, everything is the same , the second one around the corner,
I can't look at it.

I remember an apple tree with a pink color,
That everything is still blooming under the window.
And lilac, which is from the May wind,
The scent spreads around.

And the bird cherry, like a bride,
It blooms in lush color over the porch.
After all, once in my early childhood,
The bush was planted by my beloved father.

And, all the same, burgundy phlox,
That we planted together with my mother,
They grew along the fence in a strip,
They just became a huge bush.

This house, familiar to me before pain,
That I was once so sweet to my heart,
Behind a high board fence
I became a stranger by law.

Only my memory is at my leisure
Returns me to the same house.
He will always be an outlet for me,
After all, he remained in my heart!

Beautiful poem for the day of parents was written by the beautiful Tamara K.

Happy parents day! A poem about the parental home for the holiday! Picture! Postcard! Download! Parents Day!

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