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The beginning of Lent! Postcards, pictures and wishes for Lent in poetry and prose!

Congratulations on the beginning of Lent!

The beginning of Lent! Postcards, pictures and wishes for Lent in poetry and prose!

Postcards for the beginning of Lent! Wishes in prose and verse!

Total posts on the topic: 2

Dear friends! Submit your postcards, pictures and wishes for the beginning of Lent on this page! All forces!


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Катя К.

Катя К.

2021-06-05 18:29:55

There is no need to change the world, change only a small part of this world - yourself and the whole World will change after you!

Good post everyone, friends!

Катя К.

Катя К.

2021-06-05 18:29:17

Dear friends!
This is the first week of Lent!
And I would like to remind you a little of this.
The purpose of fasting is to prepare us all for the Bright Resurrection of Christ - Easter!
Great Lent will last seven weeks!
During fasting, one should not eat meager food, and it is also necessary to refrain from bad habits and various kinds of amusements.

The restriction in food alone will not prepare us for the Great Feast, but if during Great Lent we free ourselves from past offenses, forgive the enemies, as the Lord has forgiven, we will clear the mind from bad thoughts - we will come closer to the state in which God would like to see us - this is being in love and divine grace!

According to the doctrine, a person should celebrate the main holiday, having completed spiritual self-purification.
Time, in which we now live, suggests that the time has come for all of us to change for real!
All Health and bless you, Lord!
I love everyone!

My post

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