Folk holidays october

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Happy Music Day!

Day of music!

Happy Music Day! Postcard, picture!

Cards, pictures and congratulations for the holiday "Music Day"

Total posts on the topic: 2

Share in your letter your unique congratulations, postcards, holiday pictures for this day, impressions and expectations from the holiday.


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Катя К.

Катя К.

2021-06-07 16:48:32

Day of music! Picture, postcard! Happy Music Day!
Great picture for Music Day!

Day of music! Picture, postcard! Happy Music Day! Great picture for the day of music!
Катя К.

Катя К.

2021-06-07 16:46:00


Verse for the day of music!


I will write you verses,
You put them on the chords.
Let my pen strokes
They will pour music freely.
You find a note in your heart
The one that would merge with the word,
So that the melody of the soul
echoes like a major.

Let the inspiration dawn,
And you will touch the strings with your hand.
And our song will sound,
What we wrote with you.
We will sing a song about love,
The wind will pick it up.
And maybe, by will fate,
It will remain forever!

Poems willingly every time,
I try to connect with music.
So that the song sung for you
Always lived and did not end!
So that with each generation, henceforth,
The world of music was interesting,
Where our songs will be sung
And they will ascend to the throne from songs!

Author of the verse: Tamara Korolkova!
My favorite poet!

My post

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