Good May Morning

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New postcards! Good May Morning! Modern pictures!

Good morning everyone!

New postcards! Good May Morning! Modern pictures!

Beautiful new postcards on the topic Good May Morning! Modern pictures!

Total posts on the topic: 16

May every morning be kind! Happy May everyone, friends!


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Алёна Яркина

Алёна Яркина

2021-05-15 11:08:30

It seems to me that May has become my favorite month!
Because everything is just beginning.
It is blooming, with soft light and warm air.

I wish you a wonderful day and remember, "everything will work out." !



2021-05-11 11:31:25

Beautiful, new, modern postcard! Good May morning everyone!

Beautiful, new, modern postcard! Good May morning everyone!
Настасья Морозова

Настасья Морозова

2021-05-11 09:05:35

Now you can start the morning and not with coffee!
Have a wonderful sunny day, everyone!

Good morning! Postcards, pictures with cocktails!


2021-05-11 07:58:15

Good morning!
Well, how much can it be like that ...

Many people already know me.
I am a rather cheerful person and by all means trying to find the positive side of any situation in everything.
But, damn it!
This is so difficult lately!
And now you hold on, puff, try, and it fetters and clamps you from all sides!
And even the wings that you so diligently you grow up, once again just mercilessly chops off ...

And this rain!
This endless rain !!!
Yes, you can probably love him ...
But not in the same doses and quantities!
In May !!!
When you want to enjoy flowering and bright colors after this long winter!

And warmth ...
How we already want warmth !!!

In short, who knows?
Would we stand for a day and hold out for a night?
Or is it a pipe business?

And I, by the way, not only about the weather ...

PS Most likely a temporary post ...
A kind of momentary weakness and a cry from the heart.
But this is not certain ...

And in general, of course, have a nice day everyone!

Алёна Яркина

Алёна Яркина

2021-05-10 18:28:28

Good May Morning! Blossom! Let the life of luck be full ... And in the soul - warm, light, spring!


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