Good May Morning

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Postcards! Good May Morning! Pictures with bird cherry! Bird cherry color! Good morning friends!

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Good morning! May! Good May Morning! Postcard with Bird cherry! Picture!

Beautiful cards with bird cherry! Pictures! Good May Morning!

Total posts on the topic: 16

Good morning friends! We wish you a wonderful May!


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Катя К.

Катя К.

2021-06-04 13:42:53

Friends! All good blooming May morning and day! Have a wonderful mood!
Poems for you, with love!


As in a white wedding dress,
There is a bird cherry in bloom.
In her impeccable dress
His It gives us beauty.
Sways with a snow-white color,
Dropping the petals of a flower,
As if a cloud on a branch
A white veil descended.

You, as a bride, are so beautiful!
And so mysteriously bright!
It seems to me that it was not in vain,
You blossomed in the spring of May?
And a maple stands swaying nearby,
In a dark green frock coat,
Gently cuddling with branches, < > To the bird cherry beauty.

Shakes the branches, slightly bending,
Like fingers of delicate delicate hands.
With its branch, caressing,
White bird cherry bush.
Presses the leaf to the leaf,
Quietly making a sound,
The flowers of the bird cherry all melt,
As if in the arms of strong arms.

A serene wind will blow
And the flower petals will tremble,
And instead of snow-white branches
Brushes of fruits will appear.
And with the overflow of May notes
The birds will continue their singing!
It's not for nothing that the bird cherry blossoms,
Attracting everyone with its bloom!

Author Tamara K orolkova.

PS Beautiful postcard with good May morning with cherry blossoms !!!

Beautiful postcard with good May morning with cherry blossoms !!! Picture! Bird cherry!


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