Good morning

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Good morning World! Smile from ear to ear! Pictures! Postcards! Good morning wishes!

Good morning wishes!

Good morning World! Smile from ear to ear! Pictures! Postcards! Good morning wishes!

Smile! Good morning world!

Total posts on the topic: 126

Sometimes it is useful to look at the world through rose-colored glasses ...
Good morning and good day!


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Мария Романенко

Мария Романенко

2021-05-15 12:21:00

Good morning. Summer and heat came to Krasnodar. Summer is an opportunity to gorge on vitamins "in reserve", to pamper yourself with fresh vegetables and fruits plucked from the garden, and - to be honest - to lose a couple of kilograms. I don't really want to eat, but it is necessary to replenish the food base for our body.
Include in your diet as much as possible vegetables and fruits, fish, seafood and WATER. Vegetables and herbs - this is what should reign on your table throughout the summer! Don't forget our Kuban herbs! Salad, tarragon, basil, sorrel, nettle, parsley ... All this abundance contains many vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and other useful substances.
Have a nice day everyone!

Good morning. Summer and heat came to Krasnodar. Picture, postcard!


2021-05-14 10:17:37

Today is a super morning!
Good morning, my dears! Have a good day, great mood !!
Take care of yourself, loved ones, relatives, planet Earth!

Пелагея Мелехова

Пелагея Мелехова

2021-05-14 10:14:26

HOORAY!!! Good morning! In Rostov today without rain! GOOD MOOD TO YOU ALL!

HOORAY!!! Good morning! In Rostov today without rain! GOOD MOOD TO YOU ALL!


2021-05-14 09:12:28

- What are the elements that make up Happiness ...
- Only from two, Lord, only from two: Calm Soul and Healthy Body ...

Good morning, Friends !!



2021-05-14 08:56:46

Good morning and a light day to everyone!
Start your day with good thoughts.
I am always warmed by the thoughts and plans that I make for the weekend:
- that you can soak up the bed and not run anywhere ,
- that I will spend the weekend with my family, relatives or friends,
- that I will swim in the pool and wash off my whole working week,
- that I will take a walk forest or park,
- that I will pamper myself and my household with some delicious treats,
- that I will watch some interesting film or webinar ...

Friends, and what good thoughts do you charge yourself at the start of the day?

Good morning and a light day to everyone! Picture! Postcard!


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