
Homepage / Birthday greetings / Beloved

Heartfelt congratulations! Happy Birthday sweetheart! Postcards and wishes on a special day!

Darling, happy birthday!

Heartfelt congratulations! Happy Birthday sweetheart! Postcards and wishes on a special day!

Beautiful wishes in prose! Happy birthday, my beloved!

Total posts on the topic: 50

A page with wishes for a loved one for his birthday!
Best congratulations in prose!


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Пелагея Мелехова

Пелагея Мелехова

2021-05-27 16:58:48

Happy Birthday sweetheart! Picture! Postcard from your beloved!

Happy Birthday sweetheart! Picture! Postcard from your beloved!
Ольга Антонова

Ольга Антонова

2021-05-27 12:07:47

Happy day, darling!

Unfortunately, today we cannot celebrate your birthday together, but I will mentally be with you ... every minute, every second ...

May this day give you positive emotions and once again remind you that I am happy when you are near ...

I love you very much! And I wish you all the best and brightest! May there always be those who love and appreciate you, and may all the wishes that you receive on this day be heard by the Universe and return to you with happiness and joy !!!



2021-05-27 11:56:34

My beloved, I want to move forward with you all the time -
Without slowing down.

I want to rush headlong and learn, all the time something new.

And at the same time in my thoughts I dream - to stop the moments, to slow down ...

There are so many of them that you cannot count them.

More and more often - I want to freeze in them forever.

To be there always.
Among our moments with you.

For the first time in my life I really want to share my happiness with the whole World.
And I really want the World to be able to truly rejoice for us in return! < >
We are with you, as if we are gaining freedom.
Happy birthday, darling!

Happy Birthday sweetheart! Postcard!
Настасья Морозова

Настасья Морозова

2021-05-27 10:05:04

Today is the very day! Your birthday, beloved! For the first time since we met, I have to congratulate you at a distance, but I'm happy! Thank you for being so real and wonderful! Do not think about the age figure - we have our whole life ahead of us! I love you, my most delightful and best man! Thanks to the Universe for you and our flame! Happy boiling day, darling!

Анастасия Машковская

Анастасия Машковская

2021-05-26 16:49:02

Happy birthday, my beloved, my dear, my very-very!
I am very proud of you! That you have achieved sooo much YOURSELF for your 31st birthday! You were not afraid of difficulties on your way, you always went to your goal! ⁣⁣ ⠀
And I want to wish you that all your dreams become the goals that you achieve! And this path to a dream will be easier than the one that you have already passed) Let every day begin with a smile, and the realization that there is no happier person in the world than YOU! And most importantly, be healthy, and everything else will follow! ⁣⁣⠀
Always with you, for you and for you, my beloved!


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