Happy birthday to dad from daughter! Postcards, pictures!

Congratulations for dad!

Happy birthday to dad from daughter! Picture with verse! Poem! Cake, chocolate heart, chocolate!

Happy birthday dad! Congratulations, cards, pictures from my daughter!

Total posts on the topic: 10

Dear daughters, share your beautiful congratulations in prose and verses for dad on his birthday! Place your original greeting cards, pictures, animations here!


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Аня Кислова

Аня Кислова

2021-03-04 11:00:47

Congratulations to your dad from your daughter and a shiny card with teddy bears, cubs on a bright, shimmering background!

I know that I was never the perfect child for you, but you should know that you have always been the perfect father for me! Thank you dad for raising, giving upbringing and education! I wish you happiness in life and success! Happy Holidays! Have a wonderful mood today and a wonderful day!

Your daughter Anya!

Postcard with a teddy bear! Happy birthday dad! The picture is brilliant with verse! Sequins! From my daughter!
Аня Кислова

Аня Кислова

2021-03-04 10:49:38

Dad, you know, no matter how many friends I have in my life, I will always consider you my best friend! Thank you for having you! Thank you for giving me communication and knowledge! Your lessons are invaluable! Happy birthday, father!



2021-03-03 12:45:42

Birthday greetings to dad from my daughter in my own words!

On your birthday, dad, let me thank you for your hard work, invested in my upbringing, which allowed me to grow into the beautiful woman I am today. This is your merit as a parent! Thank you! Happy birthday, dad!



2021-03-01 19:35:11

I am no longer a child, but I will never stop being a daddy's little daughter. I love you and hope you have a fantastic birthday this year! Happy Holidays, Daddy!

Poem for dad's birthday! Postcard! Oreo cake picture! Cake!


2021-03-01 19:30:19

I am truly fortunate to have such a loving, caring and encouraging father. I wish you, dad, a completely calm and very cool day, full of pleasant and joyful moments!

Happy birthday card, dad! Picture with verse and cake! Verse! Cake!


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