
Homepage / Birthday greetings / Beloved

My half! Happy Birthday sweetheart! Love you! Postcards, pictures for the second half! Touching birthday greetings to your beloved!

Darling, happy birthday!

Touching birthday greetings to your beloved! Postcard! Picture!

Happy birthday to your beloved in your own words!

Total posts on the topic: 50

On this page you can publish your own birthday greetings to your beloved in your own words or in verses, as well as place any postcards and pictures with congratulations for your beloved here!


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2021-05-12 09:54:15


My beloved man, my husband, I wish you a Happy Birthday !!!

Such as I have always painted in my dreams!
And our family and wonderful children are proof of this.

I wish you to remain the same, to move also persistently towards your goals and achieve them, good health, career growth!

I love you endlessly !!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART!!! Picture! Postcard! Download with hearts!
Пелагея Мелехова

Пелагея Мелехова

2021-05-11 19:51:23

And today is the birthday of my loved one ...

Happy birthday, beloved!
I wish you to feel like Carlson - that cheerful and charismatic man in full bloom!
And if seriously, may luck and my support always help you achieve your goals, even if it seems impossible!
Health to you, dear, health and health again, and everything else is in your hands!

Postcard! Beloved! And today is my loved one's birthday
Мария Романенко

Мария Романенко

2021-05-10 09:49:51

Happy birthday!
My beloved, today is your day, and I congratulate you on this! You were sent to me by fate itself, and I cannot express in words how happy I am with you. You have become everything to me: friend, brother and most beloved man! I want to wish you, my dear: patience, because I am not a gift; luck, it will always be with you; health, so that we can live together for many years.
Success, so that all your undertakings are brought to the end, so that you always have enough inspiration and strength. Well, I guarantee you love, respect and support.

Мария Романенко

Мария Романенко

2021-05-04 08:32:07

Today is an incredible day! Your birthday, darling! I am happy to be always by your side, to please and surprise you! I love you!

Пелагея Мелехова

Пелагея Мелехова

2021-05-01 18:06:52

My half! Happy Birthday! I love you very much!

My half! Happy Birthday sweetheart! I love you very much! Postcard!


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