
Homepage / Birthday greetings / Beloved

Happy birthday, my dear! Pictures and birthday cards to your beloved!

Darling, happy birthday!

Happy birthday, my dear! Pictures and birthday cards to your beloved!

Beautiful congratulations in your own words to your beloved and dear man! Happy Birthday!

Total posts on the topic: 50

Beautiful birthday wishes for your beloved man from your beloved woman!


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2021-05-22 10:10:48

My man is emotion!
I congratulate you on your birthday, beloved, funny, thoughtful, serious!
Be always healthy and strong, act confidently, strive for success and conquer new heights! ⠀
May your dreams come true! Always smile and rejoice, develop and achieve! ⠀
I love you to the moon and back!

My man is emotion! Happy Birthday sweetheart!
Ольга Антонова

Ольга Антонова

2021-05-21 14:15:06

Happy Birthday, beloved, my half and support! Be happy! And we will always support you in everything, inspire, help and just be there!

Happy birthday my love!
I'll always do my best to make you happy!

Пелагея Мелехова

Пелагея Мелехова

2021-05-20 17:37:58

Happy birthday, my dear! Love you!

Виолетта Нержина

Виолетта Нержина

2021-05-20 14:26:38

Happy Birthday, my ideal man! I wish you all earthly blessings! You deserve it like no one else! Let your life always be filled with bright colors and good moments! I love you!

Саида Аубакирова

Саида Аубакирова

2021-05-20 10:25:40

Happy birthday, dear!
I wish you all that
without which it is impossible to live - health, confidence, strength, love, family support, courage, determination.
And if there is a desire, a goal will appear. If there is a goal, there will be an opportunity.
The main thing is that they believe in you.
And I believe in you. I wish you happy with all my heart.
And I also want to wish you more success, more travel, more good news, more joyful moments!


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