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Children's Day! Pictures, postcards, wishes! From June 1! Happy Children's Day, dear!

From June 1!

World Children's Day picture! June 1st! Postcard with roses! Roses!

World Children's Day! Postcards! Pictures with beautiful wishes for kids!

Total posts on the topic: 47

A page with beautiful postcards and pictures for World Children's Day! Postcards are beautiful, original! You can download it for free!


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Аня Воронцова

Аня Воронцова

2021-05-22 09:15:10


Happy Children's Day!
Let our children remain children as long as possible! Carefree, cheerful, joyful! I would like to wish every child to be healthy and surrounded by parental care. May the sky above your head always be peaceful, and each new day be kind and interesting. And we wish the parents patience, kindness and tenderness. Do not forget that it is you who are responsible for the happy childhood of your children!

Postcard, picture for June 1! World Children's Day!

Happy Children's Day! June 1st! Picture! Postcard! Kid! A picture with a baby!
Алёна Яркина

Алёна Яркина

2021-05-21 19:51:36

Happy Children's Day! I wish every child to be warmed with attention, love and care! To often ring out loud and sincere children's laughter in every home! Take care of the kids, protect, keep, love and pamper!

You can download the picture for World Children's Day here!

Download picture world children's day!
Мария Романенко

Мария Романенко

2021-05-21 08:49:54

After the Second World War, when the problems of preserving the health and well-being of children were more urgent than ever, in 1949, a women's congress was held in Paris, at which an oath was made to tirelessly fight to ensure lasting peace as the only guarantee of children's happiness. In the same year, at the Moscow session of the Council of the International Democratic Federation of Women, in accordance with the decisions of its 2nd Congress, today's holiday was established. And a year later, in 1950, on June 1, the first International Children's Day was held, after which this holiday is held annually.

But Children's Day is not only a fun holiday for the children themselves, it is also a reminder to society of the need protect the rights of the child so that all children grow up happy, study, do what they love and in the future become wonderful parents and citizens of their country.

Pictures of world children's day! June 1st! Postcards!
Мария Романенко

Мария Романенко

2021-05-20 17:17:24

Happy Children's Day!

I wish all the kids a sunny sky and a bright rainbow, fun ventures and wonderful friends, interesting hobbies and funny adventures, magical wonders and, most importantly, a happy carefree childhood!

And I want to wish the parents patience, kindness and tenderness.

May every child be healthy and surrounded by the care of parents.

Happy Children's Day! Picture! Postcard! World Children's Day! Download picture!
Мария Романенко

Мария Романенко

2021-05-20 07:46:17

Children are small particles of great happiness, a miracle that fills the life of every adult with joy and warmth! Happy Children's Day!

My post

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