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Happy Marine Day! Postcards! Pictures! Congratulations on Marine Corps Day! Where we are - there is victory!

Happy Marine Corps Day!

Happy Marine Day! Postcards! Pictures! Congratulations on Marine Corps Day! Where we are - there is victory!

Marine Day is celebrated on November 27! Happy Marine Day, friends! Happy Russian Marine Corps Day!

Total posts on the topic: 20

November 27, Marine Corps Day! All those involved, happy holiday!


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2021-06-04 07:07:07

Happy Marine Corps Day! Postcard! Picture! Congratulation!

Happy Marine Corps Day! Postcard! Picture! Congratulation!
Настасья Морозова

Настасья Морозова

2021-06-03 21:25:19

Today the Russian Marine Corps is 316 years old. Comrades, I congratulate everyone involved in this date.

316 years ago, by decree of Peter I, the first regiment of "sea soldiers" was formed in Russia. Since then, brave, strong, universal soldiers - marines, capable of conducting combat operations on land, on water and in the air - have stood and are standing guard over our Motherland.

At all times, the marines have shown examples of courage, courage, heroism ... And it is no coincidence that since the Great Patriotic War the nickname "black death" has been stuck behind them.

Our contemporaries sacredly keep the traditions of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers and in the same way are the strength, glory and pride of their country.
"Where are we - there is VICTORY! " - they daily reinforce the motto of the Marine Corps with their knowledge, skills, abilities to fight in any conditions.

Happy holiday, "sea souls"! Happy Holidays, Russian Marine Corps!



2021-06-03 12:52:47

Comrade officers, warrant officers, foremen, sergeants and sailors, Men, each by name - with a professional holiday, health - exceptionally heroic, military training - for everyday ingenuity, initiative - reasonable, if you put on a uniform, then only a ceremonial one, even if none of you are in military knowledge will not be useful to peaceful, civilian life, I shake hands tightly and slap each of you on the back! I have the honor! Happy Brothers!

Евгения Тут Главная

Евгения Тут Главная

2021-06-03 09:22:04

Happy Holidays! Where we are, there is victory !!!

Happy Holidays! Where we are, there is victory !!! Marine Day! Marine Corps Day! Postcard! Picture! Holiday!


2021-06-02 14:11:56


Today the Marines of the Russian Navy celebrate 316 years from the date of their formation.

On November 27, 1705, Peter I, by his decree, formed the first marine infantry regiment, which laid the foundation for this family troops in Russia.

Brothers! Congratulations on your holiday! Good health to you, your family and friends! Peaceful skies and light service! Uraaaaa!

My post

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