
Homepage / Birthday greetings / Brother

Happy Birthday Greetings to Little Brother! Congratulations to your brother in prose, in your own words!

Happy Birthday, brother!

Happy birthday car card, brother! The car is red from the cartoon! Younger brother!

Happy birthday pictures to brother! Birthday greetings to little brother!

Total posts on the topic: 30

Dear friends, on this page you can publish beautiful birthday greetings for your little brother! Beautiful cards and holiday pictures for your brother can also be posted here!


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Анастасия Машковская

Анастасия Машковская

2021-04-04 06:35:14

A poem for a little brother on his birthday! Congratulations in prose are below, on the same page!

I have a younger brother!
He is funny and small!
Very brave - like a soldier!
Small - daring!
I love him very much - < > Brother - a soldier!
And I will give gifts,
I will give him, in honor of the holiday!
Because - Birthday -
At my brother!
Now, without delay,
I will hug him tightly!

Happy birthday, brother!
The author of the verse is Valeria Chislenok!

Мария Романенко

Мария Романенко

2021-04-03 23:25:42

Congratulations to your little brother on his birthday!

Dear brother!
Accept, on this holiday - your birthday - the most sincere congratulations!
I wish you, brother, that everything in your life was good! To make everything work out well and always! So that the goals are successfully achieved and hopes come true!
Happy birthday, brother!

Мария Романенко

Мария Романенко

2021-04-03 23:24:48

Happy birthday, brother! Balloon picture for little brother!

Happy birthday, brother! Balloon picture for little brother!


2021-04-03 21:19:05

Dear brother!
Today is your Holiday!
Your birthday!
And let everyone say that you are still little. You and I know that you are a real man!
Our steadfast tin soldier! Brave and strong in spirit! And you've proven it many times, brother! We are proud of you!
Grow big and strong! Strong in spirit and decisive! And, most importantly, healthy!
Happy birthday to you, brother!

Анастасия Машковская

Анастасия Машковская

2021-04-03 19:18:38

Hello, brother!
Happy birthday to you, baby!
We have been waiting for you for so long - our beloved little baby!
And now, you were born! And you already have your own birthday! The first important date in your life!
Grow big, brother!
Be healthy and happy! And we will do everything to make you a strong and wonderful person!


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