To husband

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Touching birthday greetings to her husband! Pictures, postcards! Free download!

Happy birthday, my husband!

Touching birthday greetings to her husband! Pictures, postcards! Free download! Husband! Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Cards for Husband! Pictures!

Total posts on the topic: 65

You can find touching birthday greetings to your husband on this page! Beautiful birthday greetings to your husband from your wife can be downloaded for free!


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2021-05-03 18:39:35

We live in this world for love to shine! My beloved, happy holiday! Happy day!

Happy birthday to my husband! Picture, postcard with verse! Verse!
Мария Романенко

Мария Романенко

2021-05-03 09:10:05

A touching birthday greeting to my beloved man!

Once I made a wish, and it came true. You appeared next to me - my most beloved, desired and dear man on earth! We were separated by almost 1300 km ...
But by the will of fate, our paths crossed! You did EVERYTHING for our I to grow into a happy WE!
My sweet, I want to wish you a happy birthday and wish your eyes always sparkle with confidence and warmth. Let there be quiet happiness in your soul, satisfaction from what you have, harmony with yourself. May your body be as strong, healthy and vigorous, and may your mood be always excellent! Good luck in all your endeavors. May my boundless love become an inspiration for you, and protect you from everything you do not want !!!
Thank you for everything!
I love you very much!

Алёна Яркина

Алёна Яркина

2021-05-02 08:16:17

Always with you, for you, for you ...
Happy birthday, beloved husband!

Happy Birthday sweetheart! Husband! Picture! Postcard!
Ольга Антонова

Ольга Антонова

2021-05-02 06:14:22

Exactly 4 years ago, you appeared to save me ...

You conquered me by being the most powerful alpha male of all living men: dominant, assertive, taking the power of your charisma. < > ⠀
Every day I think: what a happiness it is that you fell in love with me and chose me as your woman! With you I can follow my nature and be in harmony with myself. I do not need to argue with you or somehow try to change you - you are perfect and you are right (well, almost always).

Your constant desire to learn, develop yourself, share knowledge leads to incredible effectiveness of everything that you doing. We all learn from you. You inspire to become better - after all, if you allow to be in your orbit, this must be consistent.

You are the smartest, most noble and caring on earth, the best spouse and father in the world who knows how to love with unconditional love and give the best for every member of your family and everyone around you. Each of the days all these four years that we have been together, I thank fate and God for sending you to me.

I don’t just love you.
I’m crazy about you. < > ⠀
Happy birthday, my love!

Happy Birthday my love! Husband! Postcard! Picture! Beloved Husband!
Мария Романенко

Мария Романенко

2021-05-01 17:16:30

Happy birthday, the best husband and daddy!

My son and I congratulate you and wish you good health, success and career growth. There are no such things as you, I thought, there are so many positive qualities in one person. You are a Man with a capital letter, looking at you and taking an example from you, our son will grow up to be the same worthy man. Thank you parents for you and for your upbringing!

You are a support for us, with you we are not afraid of any difficulties in life. You are not only dad and husband, but also a real friend, with you I can share the most intimate and I know that you will always support me!

We have so many goals, plans ahead and we are sure that everything we will succeed, because together we are strong!


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